Trees aren’t our only resource.

sources for solutions

  • The Alabama Department of Commerce actively works on economic development projects throughout the state. You will have a team of private and public partners working to make Alabama your company’s home!

    Learn more about Alabama’s economic development success

  • The Economic Development Partnership of Alabama (EDPA) hosts a site selection database at

    Visit Site Selection Database

  • Alabama is home to the first ever forestry specific workforce development organization in the nation, The Forest Workforce Training Institute (ForestryWorks)

    Learn more about ForestryWorks

  • The Alabama Forestry Commission hosts a forest industry directory that identifies primary, secondary and specialty forest products manufacturers throughout the state.

    Visit the forest industry directory

  • The Alabama Forestry Commission collects and reports the most current FIA (forestry inventory analysis) data in the nation.

    See Alabama’s most current FIA data

  • Alabama’s sustainable forest industry story is a symbol of the relationship between industry and stewardship.

    Learn more about Alabama’s 28.9 billion dollar forest industry

  • The Alabama Department of Commerce has a team of public and private professionals ready to assist you in your business development ventures.

    Staff Directory | Made in Alabama: Alabama Department of Commerce

  • Alabama wood is good for a variety of uses and products. Learn more here.

  • The Auburn University College of Forestry, Wildlife and Environment (Forest Products Development Center) is home to the state’s leading forestry research efforts. Learn more here.

  • Feel free to contact Stephanie Fuller at for more information.